iOS App Architecture

Karthikkeyan Bala Sundaram
6 min readJan 12, 2016


In this article I want to share my approach and experience I have used to architect iOS projects, which, at least, suits well for me.

In my earlier days of programming, I was scared of the term ‘Architecture’ and always avoided any discussion related to it. But after working on many projects I understood that,

Architecting is nothing but organizing all, the independently working, layers in a best way that suits your project.

There is no one fixed architecture that suits well for all the projects all the time. Each projects could have an unique approach.

Now that being said, it would introduce two questions to you,

  1. What are independently working layers
  2. What do I mean by ‘suits your project’

What are ‘Independently Working Layers’

This is a single or set of class/structure/protocols, basically code, that serves a specific purpose in project. Network Manager, Services Classes, Presentation Layer Class(View Controllers & Views) are good examples. For example Network Manager and related files serves for only one purpose, that is, to handle network calls between server and client. This Network Manager should be working irrespective of what project it is, it can be plugged into some other projects as well.

What is mean by ‘suits your project’

Basically ‘suits your project’ is mean by ‘how data is passed between each layers of your project, from network manager to view controllers to views’.

Let me give you an example,

Let say the user is successfully logged in your app, you may need to fetch the user’s profile information from your REST API. You call the REST API and get back raw json object. Now that you have the raw json, you need to persist that data to your Core Data and get it back as a model object. Then the model object can be used by your view controllers to display.

The seems simple isn’t it?, Let me list out the layers involved in the single process,

  1. Views: To display data physically and user interaction.
  2. View Controller: To manage views and models.
  3. View Model: To do all non-UI related operation of a View Controller.
  4. Data Manager: To persist your data to core data/sqlite/anything (we need not have call this as a separate layer, we could call it as a component).
  5. Service: The place where the network request/calls are constructed and initiated.
  6. Network Manager: The place where the actual network calls occurs.

Note: Some times you don’t need View Models, you can directly use Service Class. However, it is all based on your needs.

I always go for MVVM pattern. I believe it is better than traditional MVC pattern. Check out this good article to know more about MVVM.

The catch here is each layer can only talk to one layer below or above, not more than that. Example, View can talk to view controller but it definitely shouldn’t talk to Service Layer. Each layer does a specific task in your project and it should definitely do only that.

Here is the diagram,

High level Architecture that suits most of my projects

The above diagram is a high level architecture of most of my projects. All the layers are stacked one above the other. Meaning each layer can only communicate with the layer, one level, above or below.

Lets discuss each layers and its responsibility.


I don’t think we need an explanation for this. These are just views, where user can see and interact. In this layer you don’t have to do lot of work other than creating a clean and good UI & UX.

The general mistakes I have seen(and I have done in the past ;P) in many projects is that, letting your views communicate with your Model.

Let me give you an obvious example here,

Here, FriendTableViewCell is a view and we are passing the Friend model object inside. So we are letting the cell extract information from our model object. This definitely is breaking the MVC pattern.

Here is how we should be writing,

I believe there is nothing wrong in this approach. Developers generally do these kind of mistakes in order to make their code clean.

Breaking a design pattern to make your code clean is still an unclean code.

View Controller

View controller is an important entity, it is where everything starts. It communicates with Views, Model Objects and View Models. Also optionally, some times, it communicates with Service Layer and Data Manager.

I recommend, always engage the view controller’s communication only with View Models. One of the main reasons is, if you interact with multiple layers, all your functionalities will be scattered around the entire place. It will make your debugging process hard and it makes the flow ugly. In my projects almost all view controllers will be backed by a separate view model.

View Model

There is no clear definition for view model so far, everyone has their own opinion on the concept of view model. I use view models to dump all the non-UI functionalities of a view controller or a particular module of my project. This strategy helps Unit Test the functionality of any view controllers.

List of things View Model could do,

  1. Communicate with appropriate Service Class
  2. Communicate with Data Manager to save or retrieve data
  3. Maintain controllers state. For example if user is filling a form, View Model can keep the all the filled form data.
  4. Perform operation on view controllers data.
  5. Parsing JSON object into your Model object

Here is a simple example of View Model,

The above view model can be used by your Edit Profile View Controller. You can see that this view model does not contain UI code.

Service Layer

Service classes reside just above the Networking Layer, because your project specific API calls are handled here. In the beginning I confused myself between Network Layer and Service Layer, because both sounds like doing the same thing.

Let’s take user profile again as an example,

We could have a service class called UserService, this class knows how to compose user profile relate API requests and also knows how to interpret responses. When I say ‘interpret responses’, it means not only the knowledge of reading success responses, but also the knowledge of error responses(error codes & error responses). So UserService is a complete package of profile related API calls.

Note: Service layer compose the network requests and hand over that request to Network Layer to take care of physical API calls.

Here is a simple example for Service Class,

Network Layer

Network Layer is a general purpose component, which performs your physical API calls. It deals with underlying classes like NSURLRequest, NSURLSession, NSURLConnection and NSOperationQueue. AFNetworking would be good andand a well-known example for this Network Layer.

Basically your network layer knows nothing about your project and your server response. All it does is manage the underling network calls and give back the server responses.

In my experience, I understood one thing that, discussing with people would definitely help improve your approach. Each project by project and discussion by discussion, your architecting approach will progressively improve.



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